Sunday, January 28, 2007

Your Own Home-Based Business

Southern Living at HOME is the fastest growing home party plan in history. We continue to break records every year and we are only 1/10th of what we will become. This is still a ground-floor opportunity -- now is the perfect time to join our family of Consultants and launch your very own home-based business.

This business can work for you whether your financial goals are: A weekly Family Fun Budget, College Tuition Savings, Pay off Credit Card Debt, Family Vacation, Become or Stay a Stay-At-Home Mom. Our team is one of the best and we need you. We are trying to build our team in all 50 states, especially Arizona so, tell your friends. You could be one of the first consultants in your area. So, contact me and I will show you how to start building a business in your area.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Owning Your Own Business

What I want to do is share with you the opportunity I have received from Southern Living at HOME. In the past year I have gained so much more then I could ever imagine. Just think of all the flexibility you have owning your own business whether you currently work full-time or are a stay at home mom. I am able to decide how little or how much I want to work. I have so many wonderful friends that I get to share my success with each week.

As a business owner I have earned my first all expenses paid trip to a 5-star resort in Puerto Rico with my husband this past June. I am currently working on earning my second all expenses paid trip to Cancun, Mexico here in July.

Just for doing a party for a couple hours a week my earnings average more than $175 and I get to have fun at the same time. I have found that as a business owner I am able to write off several items on my taxes each year.